Communication with Parents
At the Early Learning Centers of Broward, we are committed to providing the clearest lines of communication between parents and staff. Our teaching team will provide you with daily reports on your child’s activities and achievements. Parent-teacher conferences are held twice a year and offer in-depth information on your child’s continuing development and growth. You are free to visit our facility at any time to chat with our directors and teachers regarding your child’s progress.
Programs and Hours of Operation
Pre-school: Early Learning Centers of Broward operates Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. for infants through pre-K.
After-school program: for children in Kindergarten – 5th grade runs until 6 pm. We offer pick-up from many schools within the area in yellow school buses driven by professional, licensed drivers at no additional cost.
Day Camp for school-aged children is offered most days that Broward schools are closed, including over the Spring, Summer, and Winter vacations. We provide day trips and fun activities that engage and entertain children from ages 5-12.
Summer camp program for Elementary school-age children: We provide day trips and fun activities that engage and entertain children from ages 5-12.
ELC Broward is closed only several weekdays throughout the year:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and the following day
If weather conditions or other emergencies require the closure of ELC facilities, we will contact parents as soon as possible to pick up their children. ELC allows one week of vacation for infants and two for preschool-age students. We require that parents provide notice two weeks in advance for students withdrawing from the program.
Health Requirements
Broward County regulations require ELC students and daycare participants to provide up-to-date immunization records, a tuberculosis screening certificate and a physician’s note indicating that the child is physically fit to attend school. For infants, these documents must be presented on the first day of care; Broward Preschool and school-aged students have five days from the first day of attendance to submit this documentation.
Fees And Tuition
A $99 registration fee is due each year on the anniversary date of your enrollment date. Tuition payments must be made in advance by the Monday of the week in which care is to be provided. Tuition rates vary by age. Please call or visit any of our four Centers for more information.
Dress Code And Toy Policies
Students should wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes designed for active play.
We also request that children do not bring toys to the school except on days indicated by the teachers.